About the Old Hymns

Great post from a former roommate 🙂 Anyways… I love old hymns partly because I grew up in a Baptist church. My favorite part was opening the hymnals because I got to actually see the music. Of course when I was younger I couldn’t read the music, but as I got older I learned to read the music and it helped a lot with the whole singing process.

I digress. I love the hymns of yesteryear simply because, well, they were my first exposure to Christ. When I hear an old hymn it touches my heart/soul/spirit in a great way. I remember my favorite song was “At The Cross”. Old hymns have a special place in my heart. Another one of my favorites that I started to love after my aunt sang it in church is Because He Lives. I found a version that I like it’s by a girl named Kaira, it’s on iTunes.

Not to say that I don’t enjoy the newer Christian songs of today. I actually like them, it just takes a lot of getting used to because I don’t know any of the words! I remember when I went to my first non denom (Do people actually say that or is it just me? Oh well) they were playing songs that I never heard a day in my life, thankfully they had the lyrics on a projector screen, too bad there wasn’t any inclination to how long I was supposed to hold a note. Anyways the songs were actually good, I was able to listen to they lyrics and they were good.

I’m trying to expand my musical palette a little bit. I’m so used to listening to Kirk Franklin and Fred Hammond songs but I found quite a few other Christian songs that I like. I just don’t like when it’s like tooo country, I just don’t like country music, sue me, well don’t sue me. Some of my favorites are Oceans by Hillsong, the acoustic version. It’s great I listen to it everyday, Spirit Break Out by Kim Walker-Smith and Give Us Clean Hands by Mark Schultz.

So ends my blog post/rant! Leave any of your favorite gospel/christian songs down below!

Have a great 4th of July!


Zechariah – A man who prayed without ceasing

I enjoyed reading this retelling of the story of Zechariah and what the blogger got from the story.


Zechariah was a devout man who observed all of the Lord’s commands and decrees blamelessly (Luke 1:6). If there was ever a man whose prayers should have been answered, it was Zechariah. Yet, he prayed for many years for a child with no success! After so many years of seemingly futile prayer (for Zechariah and Elizabeth were very old), Zechariah could have taken umbrage with God. If not that, he could have said in his heart that it was not God’s will for his life that he have a child..

But no, Zechariah was a man who understood that he was to be persistent in his seeking and knocking.

For everyone who asks and keeps on asking receives; and he who seeks and keeps on seeking finds; and to him who knocks and keeps on knocking, the door shall be opened – Luke 11:10 (AMP) 

For Zechariah to be…

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5 Reasons Why Many Christian Girls Remain Single

Being a single Christian young woman, I enjoyed this blog post, it made things a little bit easier to understand about single-ness. (Is that a word, probably not because I see the little red zig-zags under it, but that is okay, I made it a word now!) Anyways, back to the blog/article, I think it’s a good one. What do you all think?


In 2012 ,I was invited to be a member of a panel at a Christian singles conference. After speaking about living a purposeful life, and remaining pure in singleness, the topic of marriage invariably came up. A woman stood up and started pouring out her heart about how she desired a husband. How she was in her late thirties and did not want to be alone anymore. She said that she was on the verge of ‘settling’!

In an attempt to comfort her, an older woman whom we will call Sarah stood up and proclaimed that she was single at 60 AND had never married. Sarah started to encourage the younger lady. She said, look at me, I am 60 and not married but I will not settle. I want what God wants for me and will not settle for less. I have had many counterfeit men come into my…

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What a Headache Taught Me About Procrastination



My head is throbbing.

My neck hurts.

My eyes are sensitive to light.

My shoulders are tight.

Yes, I am suffering from the common malady: a headache.

It’s not my first rodeo. In fact, I know exactly what I can do to help it go away. And they are all pretty simple to do:

  1. take two Excedrin.
  2. drink a bunch of water
  3. have a snack, preferably with protein
  4. sniff some peppermint oil (trust me, it works)

And, presto, within a half an hour I will feel considerably better.

Yet for the past two hours or so (since the headache started) I have done none of these things.

What I have done is felt sorry for myself. Oh and I also complained to my 15 year-old daughter. I texted my best friend to tell her about it.

Then I felt sorry for myself a little longer. And then I remembered I…

View original post 591 more words

New Beginnings

Well this is it. My sophomore year of college is over! Actually, it’s been over since Monday at approximately 6:08pm. This semester was horrible. I swear everything that could have possibly went wrong, went horrible! I’ve considered dropping out and bumming around but hey I’m getting a free education might as well use it to my advantage right? Sometimes I really feel that college just isn’t for me but I can’t give up now I’ve worked too hard.  I’ve haven’t worked at all and that’s my problem. I guess I will use this next week to reevaluate my life and goals before I start summer school. I haven’t the slightest idea where my work ethic has gone! I think that I never had a good work ethic to begin with I just skated through high school. I’ve got to do entirely better. I’ve got like 2 years to figure out what I’m gonna do after graduation. I’ve given some consideration to the Peace Corps and City Year. They both seem like really great things to do.

I’m just trying to be happy and not go back home a failure. I want to be successful. Everyone had their own definition of successful, my definition is to make enough money to support myself and family (by family I mean myself, my future husband, and children, possibly a pet) and have enough money left over to enjoy life. I do not want to live in poverty again or live pay check to pay check. I wish I knew what I wanted to do with my life that would make things a heck of lot easier! I believe God is gonna help me figure it out. I’m not too worried, but I am worried.

Well that’s all for now! I’m gonna try and keep up with my goals. I think the next post is gonna be about natural hair because thats something I loooooove to talk about!



Spring Break 2014




I’m back! After about a million years I’m back to blogging. As I pondered what to possibly write about I decided let’s be a superficial college girl and talk about Spring Break 2014.

Spring Break was great! I went on a Royal Caribbean cruise to the Bahamas with a stop in Coco Cay. The cruise was a lot of fun, 5 days 4 nights. There was about 21 of us on the cruise. At times that got extremely aggravating but you get over it eventually. This was not my first cruise, my first cruise was a Carnival cruise to the Bahamas. I definitely think that the Carnival cruise was better. The food was better. The room size and bathroom size was definitely better. The experience was the same. If I had to pick a cruise line to go on, I would definitely choose Carnival over Royal Caribbean. That’s my personal opinion, people may pick RC over Carnival, but I don’t care. 

Unfortunately, Spring Break is over and I have to come back to reality.


We’re at the halfway mark of the Spring Semester, and I thought that this semester was going to be different. (I say that about every semester though). I’m still struggling but I refuse to give up I have no choice but to pass all of my classes this semester. College isn’t about how smart you are, it’s about how much time and energy you will devote to your studies. It takes effort to make good grades and you get what you put in. I’m trying to put more effort into my studies, but I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to start. At least I’m learning from my mistakes/experiences right?


Shanay M.





The Bible. As you know I’m a Christian, denomination: Baptist. With that being said I would like to let you all know that I don’t know The Bible as well as I would like to know. I don’t know 75% of the stories and people in the Bible. I don’t like that fact, so as the saying goes, “If you don’t like it, fix it” So I am going to fix this, as one of my goals for this new year was to read the bible more.

I have found a Bible reading plan that works for myself, I am 3 days behind, I was supposed to start reading on the 1st but I didn’t. No stress though, I’m going to catch up and read.The plan is for reading The Bible in a year in chronological order. It reminds me of a Bible that my old roommate had. The Bible was in chronological order and that was pretty cool. Speaking of roommates I need to reconnect with her. Anyways here’s a link to the plan I am speaking about: http://www.esv.org/assets/pdfs/rp.chronological.pdf.

I am going to keep with this plan and make daily or weekly posts with my thoughts on what I read so I can stay committed. That seems to be a problem with making resolutions and goals, people don’t stay committed. Well I’ve read that it takes 3 week, 21 days, to form a habit so if I stick with this for 3 weeks straight then it will become a habit right? Hopefully! Wish me luck you guys!



Once Upon A Time

In a land far far away there lived a princess with curly, jet black hair her mother and father died in a fire and she was the sole survivor of the tragedy. Her uncle, the duke, rescued her from the flames. On the princess’s 20th birthday her Uncle placed her in a tower with nothing but a Computer and some morsels of food. The only website she could access was called Netflix and this is how she spent the rest of her days watching TV shows on Netflix.

This is my current situation, I have reactivated my netflix account, getting another free month using a different card [yes I’m beating the system]. I used it to catch up on Scandal. [Bad morals, great show] Now I can’t wait until Feb. 27th for the new season, or is it just a continuation of the last season, who knows, I don’t care. Anyway, I stumbled upon another ABC gem, Once Upon A TIme.

I heard of the show, and just like Scandal, I had no intentions of watching it because it sounded stupid and boring. But boy was I wrong, I love this show and I’m upset that it took me so long to start watching it. I’m in the second season and it’s great. Hopefully this doesn’t interfere with my school work [we all know it is though] I’ll just watch it in my down time.

I wonder what other shows I have been missing out on, Gossip Girl, Pretty Little Liars? Who knows, with Netflix and Hulu I have unlimited resources.

Do you all have any suggestions of shows that I have been asleep on? Lemme know!!



New Year, New Me?

Well, it’s a new year, 2014 and isn’t it great? 2013 was a long year for me and it was filled with invaluable lessons. I learned not only a lot about myself but a lot about others as well. Now to address the horrible phrase that is the title of this post, every year since I can remember people have been saying that. “Oh, it’s 20__ I’m gonna be brand new it’s gonna be a new me” blah blah blah. I really don’t like that phrase because not too many people stick to it. It’s all a bunch of talk.

The last year, well actually semester was by far the hardest time I have had as a person. It was not fun I was probably a tad bit depressed, all I know is that I sunk into a dark place and I do not want to go back there ever again and I will not. I changed my major, yet again I dropped 2 of my classes, I did not go to church or read my Bible, I barely prayed. And there is the root of my problem I strayed away from my faith and therefore my life fell apart. It was absolutely horrible.

But that is over I feel much better and I am back on track. So it’s not a New Year, New Me type of deal, it’s a New Year and a Better Me. I claim 2014 to be my year of greatness and I will do everything in my ability to make this year the greatest year for me! Plus I’ll blog regularly!!

